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Double carbon, 5g, specialization and innovation, tax rebate and tax reduction

Double carbon, 5g, specialization and innovation, tax rebate and tax reduction

The "Ministerial channel" during the national two sessions every year is one of the important windows to respond to hot topics and release policy information. T···
Small, medium-sized and micro enterprises get tax deferment support again

Small, medium-sized and micro enterprises get tax deferment support again

Recently, the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Finance announced that small, medium-sized and micro enterprises in the manufacturing industr···
RCEP comes into force! What opportunities will it bring to enterprises in the region?

RCEP comes into force! What opportunities will it bring to enterprises in the region?

On the first day of 2022, the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) will officially enter into force, and the free trade area with the la···
UHV construction plan launched -- 380 billion market to understand!

UHV construction plan launched -- 380 billion market to understand!

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, the State Grid planned to build the "24 AC and 14 DC" UHV project, involving more than 30000 kilometers of lines, 340 mil···
China has built the world's largest 5g network and Gigabit access network

China has built the world's largest 5g network and Gigabit access network

On September 23, 2021, the communication construction management offices of various administrative regions of Beijing Municipal Communications Administration we···
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