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What are the principles and types of fireproof cables

What are the principles and types of fireproof cables

1、 Cables mainly have copper conductors: conductors can be divided into bare copper, copper plating, copper clad steel, copper alloy, copper foil wire, etc. Ba···
Classification of special cables and 6 application fields

Classification of special cables and 6 application fields

What is special power cable? Special power cable is a kind of power cable used in special working environment. Its internal structure and manufacturing process ···
Differences between flame retardant and fire-resistant cables and problems needing attention in selection

Differences between flame retardant and fire-resistant cables and problems needing attention in selection

Fireproof wires and cables are the general name of wires and cables with fireproof performance. They are usually divided into flame-retardant wires and cables a···
Which of the five common cable sheaths is the most suitable?

Which of the five common cable sheaths is the most suitable?

When selecting connecting products, in addition to the joint adaptation that must be considered, another part is also very important, that is, the sheath of the···
The most complete knowledge of wires and cables in history - 80 Q & A

The most complete knowledge of wires and cables in history - 80 Q & A

1. What kinds of wires and cables are commonly used according to their purposes? Answer: it can be divided into bare wire, insulated wire, heat-resistant wire, ···
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