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The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will have a certain impact on the upstream of the cable industry

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will have a certain impact on the upstream of the cable industry

Us and European sanctions against Russia may further push up aluminum prices. As a major global aluminum exporter, the dispute between Russia and Ukraine has on···
Ten advantages of copper core cable

Ten advantages of copper core cable

With the increasing competition in the wire and cable industry, M & A integration and capital operation among large wire and cable enterprises are becoming ···
Calculation method of load and load current of wire and cable

Calculation method of load and load current of wire and cable

Cable technology, learn a little cable technology and make progress every day! 1. Purpose and significance of load calculation in the design of low-voltage powe···
115 bid making mistakes often made in the bidding process

115 bid making mistakes often made in the bidding process

The bidding process is complicated, and there are countless materials and documents to be prepared. How to make the bidding document in an orderly and safe mann···
A complete set of information on submarine cables

A complete set of information on submarine cables

According to incomplete statistics, the total length of China's coastline exceeds 18000 km and there are more than 5000 islands. From a worldwide perspective, t···
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